Our Pest Control Blog

Welcome to our blog, where we share DIY pest control methods, tips and tricks, local pest information, and more! With our years of experience, we’ve seen it all, and we are here to share it with you. 

brooklyn bridge
Which NYC Borough Has The Most Rats?

New York City is known for its vibrant energy, iconic skyline, and bustling streets, but there's another aspect of city life that's less glamorous—the rats. When it comes to which NYC borough has the most rats, the answer is Brooklyn

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Common Bugs in Astoria, NYC

Astoria, Queens, is a vibrant neighborhood, but like any urban area, it can also attract unwanted guests – pests. Here's a rundown of the most common creepy crawlies you might encounter in your Astoria apartment, along with tips to keep them at bay.

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How to Get Rid of Roaches in NYC

Living in the Big Apple comes with its own set of challenges, and unwelcome insect guests are no exception. Roaches are a common sight in NYC apartments, but don’t worry, there are several methods you can use to prevent and get rid of roaches.

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Family on couch
How to Get Mice Out of Your Vents

You're laying in bed, falling asleep on an otherwise quiet night and suddenly, you hear one of the worst sounds a homeowner or renter can experience — scurrying in the walls. When a mouse infestation occurs, rodents transform nearly every corner of a building into their own transit system, and heating ducts and vents are no exception.

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How Much Does it Cost to Clean Up Rodent Feces?

Rodents are equal opportunity offenders. If you're a commercial or residential property owner in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan or Nassau County, you're bound to stumble upon a mouse or rat eventually. According to the National Pest Management Association, they're particularly prevalent in the cold weather months, invading an estimated 21 million homes, eager to escape the whipping winds and bone-chilling temperatures.

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How Long Does Termite Treatment Last?

If you've come to the realization that your home or another property you own may have become the site of a termite infestation, it's critical that you get in touch with a pest control service. Going through a consultation and confirming the presence of these insects is half of the battle, and only experienced professionals can do this definitively.

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Family on couch
Do Termites Bite Humans?

Termites are a major hazard to property owners across the Queens, Brooklyn and Nassau County metro areas - and everywhere else in the U.S. So it's natural you might be wondering if they cause physical harm by biting, stinging or otherwise attacking, especially if you're a homeowner with young children. Luckily, these pests aren't directly harmful in that manner, though they can contribute to health issues in certain circumstances. 

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Do Pumpkins Attract Rodents?

October is here, and with it come all of autumn's trends in full swing: Orange-gold leaves falling from trees (which you can't always readily see in Brooklyn, Queens and even parts of Nassau), pumpkin-spice coffee drinks (not to mention pumpkin-spice everything else, it seems) and of course Halloween.

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Can You Hear Termites?

Termites — specifically Reticulitermes flavipes, the Eastern subterranean termite — rank among the most serious pest and insect problems that property owners in the Brooklyn, Queens and Nassau County metro areas may have to deal with. So it stands to reason you'd want to know the best ways to detect the presence of these wood-devouring colonizing creatures early enough to prevent them from doing too much damage.

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